Did you know that Google can make your website disappear from its search engine results completely? Well, the strategy which works today may not work tomorrow. In fact, it may hurt you and get you blacklisted by Google!
No matter whether you are a start-up or a long-established business, getting your website optimized can be the key to a strong online presence. But, there are times when regardless of what you do, you cannot find your site in Google. This is because Google today is very punitive. Even when you do not commit a ‘big’ mistake to get yourself blacklisted, you can still see your website ranking drop overnight.
Thinking about the mistakes Google can punish you for? Below are some of the biggest mistakes which can land you in trouble!
SEO In Surrey: 5 Most Common Mistakes You Must Avoid
1. Duplicate Content
Experts widely appreciated for offering SEO in Surrey believe that having duplicate content can be one of the biggest mistakes. In the context of search engine optimisation, duplicate content means the same content appearing in more than one URL within the website. Since search engines fail to decide which content to index, they may penalise you if your duplicate content comes across pages. Having unique and relevant content in every webpage is thus recommended.
2. Repetitive Title Tags
Another common mistake most businesses make is using repetitive title tags. Google penalises heavily for this, ensure that every webpage on your site comes with a unique tag. SEO specialists suggest you to take some extra time to create something which is unique.
3. Purchased Links
Did your search engine rankings drop suddenly? Chances are that the link you paid for is frowned upon by Google. This is because purchased links are usually from disreputable social networking accounts and sites. While fraud companies claim that they will never be found out by Google, the reality is that search engines can easily catch you since they are evolving constantly.
4. Not Having A Mobile Site Design
In the year 2015, Google released its mobile search quality guidelines which signaled a new era in the search algorithm. Since a majority of mobile users want easy access to websites nowadays, there’s even a mobile-first index. This means that users will leave a site if they find it difficult to navigate from their smartphone. Since search engines know this very well, only websites with mobile-friendly design will be rewarded with a top spot in the search results.
5. Unnecessary Text In Link Text And Title Tags
If you are using phrases like “Come to us” or “we sell” or phrases like “click here” in your title tags, stop it immediately. Experts believe that this can be a primary reason for you getting blacklisted on search engines. Only use the keyword phrases which you are targeting. Otherwise, you will be diluting their value when using unnecessary texts.
The sooner you get your strategy right, the sooner your business will benefit. Time to approach a leading SEO service provider who specializes in offering SEO in Surrey!
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